#### - Planet of birth records sealed .
Daye appears to be in her late 30's .
2367 - Daye is adopted by her paternal grandparents. They are
not sure how old she is they think she is about six.
Captain Stephen Daye- deceased.
Last mission 2363- records sealed by SFTA. Planet off limits
for further exploration.
Mother - Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
2389 - Enters Starfleet Academy.
2393 - USS Galileo - Ensign -cns
2394 - USS Javelin - Lt (jg) - Full Lt.- cns (loses her memory of most
of her
time on the Javelin when she is hit on the head by a loose hatch door
in the turbo lift.)
2395 - Spends time with Tad'Ghik on Qo'noS and on various ships where
the Klingon CMO served . Being Tad's companion. Taking the identity
Jasmine B.Wayde.
While Daye is enroute to her next ship the shuttle which she is in control
of is thrown into a Magnetic Solar Rift that catapults her into the
face of certain death. Finally arriving on the USS Khitomer[ An odd
occurred and here her first name becomes her last and she was known
as Daye Bronwyn.]The Khitomer eventually docking at the Starbase E-47.
Counselor Daye and the Klingon Captain of the Khitomer became
close. While there Daye received the, Short Service Ribbon and the
of Sarek Long Service Ribbon. *The Khitomer files were lost and Starbase
E-47 files have been sealed .
2398-2400 - Takes up Counselor position at the Federation Embassy on
Qo'noS for the first time.Becomes involved in an under cover operation
Daye took the name Jasmine B.Wayde and spent most of her time during
the operation in the Delta Quadrant as Counselor on The Eagles Nest.
2400-February- Recommended for the position of Federation Ambassador
on the
Imperial Klingon Outpost Qam'uch (Foothold) by CO Morgan Thorne on
Daye resigns her commission in Starfleet and takes the position of
on the
Outpost Qam'uch arriving on the 3rd of April. Daye discovers she is
soon after arriving.
On the Foothold Daye becomes very close to the Executive Officer Ashlan
Caaraz. But their relationship is not an easy one as Daye discovers
who and
what she is with the help of the rest of the Foothold crew.
2401 - Meets trader/business entrepreneur Dallian a Deltan/Ferengi who
comes to the
Foothold for the express purpose of making Daye his concubine after
a holo
graphic tape of her made by Judas Penzance . He tries to win her affections
any way
he can.
2405 - Rejoins Starfleet as aide to CMO Lt Tad'Ghik on the USS Suffolk.
was also the ships assistant Counselor on the Suffolk .
2410 - Daye is transferred to Qo'noS where she is Counselor for the
StarFleet Embassy again for the second time.
2411 - Daye Reports to Starbase KENAI as 2nd Counselor.
2412 - Transferred to Starbase KENAI...sent on assignment to Earth with
the Klingon Ambassador Qan on the USS THUNDERCHILD.Meets Gavin
White in the course of an investigation and forms a friendship.But
their time
together is short and she soon returns to the Thunderchild. Which
having undergone a refit is almost ready for it's next mission.
Physical Description:
Daye is 5ft 6" tall. Weighs 58 kgs. Her hair once cropped short,
is now of varying lengths that curl and frame her face and has
grown down past her shoulders. Her eyes are grey. Her skin is fair.
Race: Daye is half human, mother's race - no available info.
(Listed as "TERRAN-Wishinew" for 1/2 Terran, 1/2 I wish I knew)
Adopted by her human grandparents at an undetermined age.
Information concerning her mother and the planet of her birth has
been sealed by Starfleet. Even Daye is not aware of her origins.
Hormonal occurrences have been responsible for her hair changing
color in the past. The changes have also been linked to stress.
The color is currently all white. When it changes color a part of her
fringe over her left eye remains white.
Daye is an Empath. Able to touch and briefly disorientate the thought
process of another for up to five minutes. She is aware of strong
emotions. She is also aware touching someone that way without their permission is a form of psychic rape and a violation of the Prime Directive. While on the Foothold Daye discovers she is a rare type
of Empathic Metamorph. Able to become whatever her companion so
desires, in style (not form). She can also take on another's pain making it her own,
relieving them of their pain...for five minutes.
* Due to her unusual biology she can mate and breed
without artificial genetic manipulation. Her offspring will take on the associated
characteristics of the Father's race. She will pass on to her children
eye coloring and empathic abilities..
Daye is often accompanied in her travels with a Cat .