Chief Operations Officer,
Second Officer USS Thunderchild
Age: 26
Date of Birth: January 1, 2386
Place of Birth: Lake of the Ozarks, Earth
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Black
Starfleet Academy: 2404
Secondary School: Ozark Prepatory School
Majors: Earth History, Late 20th Century Literature
Minors: Psychology
Extra Curricular Activities: Golf
Higher Education: Starfleet Academy
Majors: Officer Training Curriculum, Command Track
Languages Spoken: Federation Standard English
Father: Justin
Mother: Sarah
Siblings: Rick, John, Trevor, Brad, Daniel, Robert
Spouse: None
Children: None
Other: None
Psychological Profile
Well adjusted, likely from
growing up as the middle child in a family with seven children, all
boys. A quick learner, easily adapts and excels as a team leader. An
extrovert, Carver is self-confident, not shy and not concerned with
others perceptions of him.
Allergies: None
Illnesses/Diseases: Standard Childhood Illnesses
Injuries: None.
Disabilities: None
Current Medical Status: Fit for duty
career history:
2404 Graduated
Starfleet Academy
2404-2405 Internship USS Ottawa
USS Tacoma
Extended Leave
USS Tacoma
2412-Present USS
Born New
Years Day, 2386. The fourth son, in a family of seven brothers.
Older brothers Rick, John and Trevor are 6, 4 and 2 years older,
respectively. Younger brother Brad is 2 years younger, Daniel 4 years
younger, and Robert 6 years younger. A close knit family, the Halsted
brothers played a lot together. Carver insisted on joining his older
brothers in games when he was very young, and as Rick and John left for
Academy, Carver took on a leadership role among the brothers bringing
Daniel and Robert into their games as soon as they were old enough to
catch and throw.
Rick was
the first to enter Starfleet. Their father had been a playwright, whose
plays were in production throughout the Federation worlds. His stature
in the arts had afforded him a lifestyle that had been frowned upon in
some circles, but he never apologized for accepting the rewards and
benefits bestowed upon him by grateful patrons. Rick loved his father,
and accepted the lifestyle Justin chose for the family, but Rick felt a
need to give something back, to answer the call to provide a service for
the betterment of all, and chose Starfleet as his vehicle. Rick and John
had discussed his desire, and when Rick was 20, the four oldest sons had
taken a fishing trip with their father in Northern Wisconsin, and Rick
explained to his father that he felt a need, a desire, to enlist. Justin
gave Rick his blessing. His path was his own path, and he didn't want to
discourage his sons from finding their own path. He was proud of Rick's
decision. John announced he also intended to apply to Starfleet.
Trevor said he wanted to play collegiate sports, and then maybe turn
pro. On that trip, Carver was 14 years old, and thinking about girls,
lures, and fish, and not necessarily in that order. As Carver got older,
Rick was making a name for himself in Starfleet. After Rick graduated
from Academy, he had interned on a starship in Engineering. At present,
he is a Lt. Commander, currently assigned to Starbase Sarmento, as Chief
of Engineering. John had found a niche in Starfleet diplomatic
relations, and after graduation from Academy, accepted assignment to the
Diplomatic Corps. John is in the final year of his internship
program at present on Vulcan, and is expecting an appointment to Romulus
when he completes his internship. Trevor went on full scholarship to the
Klingon Institute for Literal Learning, which was referred to locally as
the KILL School. He is there to be a goalie for the KILL soccer team,
and he majors in communication. He has eight years of eligibility left,
and has played on two championship teams in his first four seasons, as
KILL won the Klingon Empire Collegiate Championships two of the last
four years. Younger brother Brad is serving as a security officer aboard
the Klingon IKC K 'ravnor, as part of an exchange program with the
He is often jokingly referred
to as 'Trevor Halstead's uncoordinated brother', but is actually
well-liked by the K'Vort class crew. Brother Daniel is about to
graduate Starfleet Academy. Brother Bob is awaiting word on his
application to Starfleet Marines. As much as Carver liked soccer, he was
not good enoughto be considered for scholarship. He had watched his two
oldest brothers progress through Starfleet Academy and embark on two
different career paths, and saw Trevor leave Earth for a soccer
scholarship at the Klingon Kill School. Carver, without much conviction,
and no athletic scholarship offers, applied for admission to Starfleet.
No doubt based upon the records of his older brothers, and his own
aptitude test performance, he was admitted. Reminded that his background
helped get him in, but his performance would dictate how far he'd go,
Carver really applied himself at Academy. He graduated in the top 3% of
his class, and was assigned upon graduation to an internship on the USS
Ottawa. Upon completion of his ten month tour on the Ottawa, he was
assigned to the USS Tacoma, in the Operations Department. After
two and a half years serving in OPS, he requested a leave of absence. He
was unsure Starfleet was what he wanted to do with hislife. After twelve
months off, he was faced with reactivating his commission or resigning.
After twelve months, he was ready to come back. He was reassigned to the
Tacoma. That was in 2409. Two years later Starfleet
ordered the Tacoma decommissioned. The starship was returned to Starbase
Sarrento, where the crew was to await reassignment. The Tacoma was
headed to Utopia Shipyards for recycling. Carver got to spend some time
with his brother John while awaiting orders.