
Chief Of Tactical Department
Sex: Male
DOB: 1-26-2382
Species: Terran
Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Skin: Tanned, White
Physical: Solid and muscularly built, backs down from no one.
This trait has landed him in the sickbay on many occasions.
Born on Earth, Honolulu Hawaii.
Mother: Loretta Hunter.
Father: David Hunter.
Brothers:Chris Hunter, David Hunter.( Mark Hunter, Deceased)
Nathan has a quick easy going sense of humor, makes friends easily.
Nathan is a calm person until someone rattles him. He dislikes people who shirk their
duties. Nathan has a strong sense of commitment to his friends and fellow crewmates.
Nathan enjoys holo-novels, spending his off hours with friends, holo-training programs.
Whenever he is upset he will meditate before losing his temper. He is not a pleasant
person to be around once he has been provoked to the point of no return.
Nathan is skilled in many forms of hand to hand combat,
skilled in the usage of small weapons. A skilled shuttle pilot. Highly rated at tactical command.
Attended the Vulcan Science academy for two years. Graduated Starfleet
Academy - Double Major in Science and Tactical Command. Accepted Commission as
Ensign in Starfleet.
DS9 six months Security detachment, transfer to
USS Ahrens - Security After six months was called to testify against his
friend, the Doctor Iyal Karasov, who was charged with aiding and abetting the enemy. The
enemy being the Romulans. But Hunter was testifying only to what he saw, and was loyal
to the truth of what he saw. He could not testify to what he did not know and did not see,
and other witnesses for the defense were credible in creating a reasonable doubt that
Hunter knew the whole story, and that what he saw could be interpreted in the Doctor's
favor. The Doctor was acquitted of all the serious charges, and only found guilty of failure to
obey a superior officer, and reprimanded.
Through a strong sense of friendship and loyalty Hunter and Karasov
overcame Hunter being forced to testify against his friend. Hunter however was separated
from his friend for the next two years, as Nathan Hunter was assigned to Starbase 32.
One year into his assignment at Starbase 32, Lt. Hunter was promoted to
Two years into his duty at Starbase 32, a Romulan dissident group briefly
took over Starbase 32. During the attempt by the security forces of the Starbase to retake
the base, several assault shuttles engaged an old RSE surplus Warbird that had been
appropriated to assist the dissidents with the takeover of the base. Losing their grasp on
the base, the dissidents were prepared to destroy it, and Lt.Cmdr. Hunter, in his assault
shuttle, and with the help of five other assault shuttle pilots from the Starbase, helped save
Starbase 32 from destruction by ramming his shuttle into the surplus Romulan Warbird
making its last attack run, and beaming off at the last possible moment. The dissidents
were repulsed, and the base was restored to Federation control. Lt.Cmdr. Hunter received a
Cross of Silver for this. During his subsequent shore leave, Hunter realized he felt ready to
serve on a starship again, and requested a transfer, and applied for any starship security
chief openings.
Assigned to USS Pacifica Served as Chief of Security. His old friend Dr. Iyal
Karasov, was the current CMO on the Pacifica. The passage of time had healed any
wounds due to Hunter's testifying against the Doctor two years prior, and their friendship
was rekindled.
Lt.Cmdr Hunter filled the SEC CHIEF position and after one year became a
Commander and the XO on the USS Pacifica. Two years into his assignment on the
Pacifica, Karasov and Hunter were on an away mission, when the Pacifica was sabotaged
and destroyed. Returning from their away mission, their shuttle was within the blast zone
when the Pacifica exploded in space. Their shuttle barely intact, it's distress beacon
activated, they were picked up a week later, almost dead. Hunter spent three months in a
hospital on Earth recovering from injuries. Karasov, one month. Karasov returned to SB 32
for rehab of his injuries, and after Hunter was released from the hospital and fully recovered,
he was assigned as Tactical advisor to Juanita Suarez on SB 32.
Unknown to Hunter and Karasov, Karasov had a nemesis, intent on
destroying Karasov. Since Hunter was his friend, he was targeted as well. Evidence was
planted, attention was shifted; since Hunter and Karasov were the only known survivors of
the Pacifica, the 'investigation', unknown to either Nathan Hunter or Iyal Karasov, had
shifted all of it's energy to now focus on the two of them as the most likely suspects in the
sabotage. But lacking a key piece of evidence to bring charges, they were not charged.
Karasov's nemesis was an officer in Starfleet, a Lt. Burk. Burk had access
to the investigation, and knew the case was bogus. He had in fact been the saboteur,
willing to sacrifice the Pacifica and its crew to eliminate his enemy Karasov. He worked
behind the scenes to fabricate the crucial evidence that would seal the fate of Karasov and
Hunter. But time was not on his side. Fully recovered, with no charges pending, Ilya and
Nathan were ready for new assignments. Their assignments came in, Hunter as XO for the
USS Iliad, and Karasov as her Captain. While the assignments were being authorized,
Burk had planted his false evidence implicating the two men. Shortly after boarding Iliad,
before leaving the Starbase, Karasov and Hunter were arrested.
Karasov resisted arrest and was severely wounded, taken to sickbay while
Hunter was taken to the station's brig, Karasov enlisted support of the doctors there who
knew him and believed he could not be guilty of destroying a Starfleet starship. Doctors
who helped him and Hunter escape. Both men, with the handful of those who believed in
Karasov and Hunter, commandeered the Iliad, and took off for the site of the Pacifica's
destruction, with Starfleet hot on their tails. Desperate to clear their names, they risked
their careers to commandeer the Iliad, as the only chance they saw to clear their names.
With some unexpected help from an unlikely ally, they recovered the
evidence they needed to acquit themselves, and help convict Burk for the sabotage of the
Pacifica. But they did not go unpunished. Despite the mitigating circumstances of proving
their innocence of the crimes they had been framed for, they had escaped custody and
commandeered a Starfleet starship. Karasov was forced to resign from Starfleet, and
Hunter was reduced in rank from Commander to Lieutenant, and given one month
suspension, without pay. While awaiting the formal hearing that lead to dismissal of all
charges, Hunter was distressed to learn his brother Mark had been killed in action during a
rescue attempt in Sattaran space.
His life disrupted by the recent events, now Lt. Hunter requested an
extended leave of absence, to digest everything that was happening to him and his life. And
returned to Earth.
He recently accepted a temporary position as an instructor at Starfleet
Academy, and then requested a transfer to a Search and Rescue unit, to honor his brother,
who died on a rescue mission.
Lt. Nathan Hunter accepted the transfer to the USS THUNDERCHILD to be
Nathan has a fondness for Cats. He likes vigorous workout programs,
sparring, boxing, wrestling, weight lifting. holo novels, and moonlit strolls on the beach with
the right person by his side.
What Nathan is looking for now, is an assignment, allow him to use his
strength and training for helping people instead of taking lives. He is tired of the constant
battles, and seeing close friends die.
Nathan is relatively a level headed person, but will take risks. If others lives
are in jeopardy he will put himself in the line of fire. These traits could make him a
detriment, but do not. For any CMO Hunter is quite a handful. He will not follow doctor's
orders, nor will he remain in sick bay. His never say die attitude was an inspiration to his
shipmates on both the Pacifica and the Iliad.
Dr. Iyal Karasov, CMO USS Pacifica
Nathan rose quickly in the ranks. His attitude and uncanny ability to assume
command during tough situations was an asset. He would at times disobey a direct order,
but when he did he always was justified. His decisions were usually on the money. When
the time came I promoted Hunter to Commander and XO of the Pacifica, his loyalty and
unswerving ability was an asset.
Captain Abba Chai, deceased. USS Pacifica